Book Details

Author: Doughty, M. Charles & Amelineau, M.E.:
Title: Documents Epigraphiques Recueillis dans Le Nord de L'Arabie. Notices et Extraits des Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Nationale et Autres Bibliotheques. Publi?s par L'Institut National de France.
Published: Paris : Imprimerie Nationale, 1891.
Classification: Catalogue 15 - Art & Architecture
Description: Faisant Suite aux Notices et Extraits Lus au Comit? ?tabli dans L'Acad?mie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Tome Vingt-Neuvieme. Table de la Premiere Partie du Tome XXIX - Documents ?pigraphiques Recueillis dans Le Nord de L'Arabie par M.C. Doughty; Notice sur Le Papyrus Gnostique Bruce par M.E. Am?lineau. Tables des Matieres - Introduction, Note de M. Doughty sur son Voyage, Transcription et Traduction des Inscriptions Nabat?ennes de Median-Salih, Transcription des Notes Contenues dans les Planches 64 pp. Followed by 57 Plates. Tables de Planches - Carnets de Voyage de M. Doughty (Planches I - XXVIII); Cartes et Dessins (XXIX - XLVIII); Estampages des Inscriptions de Medain-Salih (XLIX - LVII). Notice sur Le Papyrus Gnostique Bruce par M.E. Am?lineau. pp65 - 308 pp. In 1876 Doughty set out on an expedition that was to last 2 years, wandering with the nomads of the Arabian Desert, the main purpose of which was to reach the carved rock monuments at Medain Salih where he took impressions of thge carvings. This collection of impressions was published in France under the title "Documents Epigraphiques Recueillis dans le nord de L'Arabie (Paris:1884), but this collection in wrappers sold few copies and has never been published in Britain. This journey was the beginnings of his classic account "Travels in Arabia Deserta" which was first published in 1888. Light water stain on front edge of c. 8 plates but not extending onto illustrations. Front and bottom edges untrimmed. Text clean throughout. Bound in blue paper covers with pasted on spine label. Overall condition VG+.
Book Number: #8397
Price: € 1,050.00

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